What do I need to study or do before attending your Exam Prep class?

I normally provide the first two study manuals prior to the course starting so you can become familiar with the material. Also, you don’t need to apply for the exam before taking the course. I will go through the process you need to apply and provide you with a special spreadsheet to help you summarize your hours.

Doulos Training's PMP® Exam Prep course has produced  1,400 + PMP® Certified Professionals.
Credit Cards
High Passing Rate *

Upcoming Training Courses

PMP® Exam Certification Prep – 11 weeks
Tuesday evening , 6:00 - 9:30 pm
Virtual - Open to all
Emotional Intelligence in Christ course - 5 weeks - 33 PDU's
5 Friday evenings, 6:00 - 9:30 pm  
Virtual - Open to all
PMP® Exam Certification Prep – 11 weeks
Wednesday evening  6:00 to 9:30 pm
Virtual - Open to all
Emotional Intelligence course - 5 weeks - 33 PDU's
5 Monday evenings, 6:00 – 9:30 PM
Virtual - Open to all
PMP® Exam Certification Prep – 11 weeks
Saturday morning, 8:00 - 11:30 am
Virtual - Open to all