PMP® Exam Prep Course Overview

Doulos PMP®  Exam Prep Course - 36 Hours - 11 weeks - $1,500

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This is an excellent training course for project managers and other qualified people who desire to get the PMP® Certification.

100% of the students that have completed this course and followed the instructions for personal study have passed the PMP exam.

Project Management Professional (PMP) Exam Training Course

Course Overview:

Certification by the Project Management Institute (PMI) as a project management professional (PMP) is fast becoming the Standard Certification required by Project Management community and the many companies that make it up. This shows a company that you have essential project skills and knowledge. In earning PMI's PMP Certification you demonstrate a strong commitment to project management professionalism in passing the difficult 200 question exam covering five project management processes and ten knowledge areas identified by the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Course Description:

The PMP / Project Management Professional Certification course confers recognition as an accredited project management professional. This course will prepare you to take the PMP® examination administered by the Project Management Institute. The PMP® certification training will be conducted in eleven 3 ½ hour sessions (38.5 hours). the 11 weeks timeframe allows the students to understand how PMI thinks and how the questions present the views of PMI which are critical to pass the exam. The students normally sit for the exam two weeks after finishing the course. Classes are located for project management people in the Richardson and the DFW areas for convenience, Additionally Doulos conducts many of its classes on site at companies throughout the Metroplex. The price of the course is $1,500 per student.

Qualifications for the PMP® Certification Program
(Project Management Professional “PMP®”)

To work effectively, some preliminary preparation is necessary. PMP and PMI are registered trademarks of the Project Management Institute.

  1. An initial assessment of each candidate is necessary to insure each can meet PMI’s prerequisites for taking the certification examination. Category General Education PM Education PM Experience Document Experience at Least:

    A Bachelor’s or higher degree 35 contact hours 4,500 hours within last 6 years,36 months  experience
    B High school graduate 35 contact hours 7,500 hours within last 8 years 60 months eperience
  2. The PM experience need not be as the project manager, team membership is sufficient. However, the candidate must be able to document this experience if PMI® should audit their application. The Doulos instructor will assist in this assessment.

  3. The PM education requirement is a 35hr PM Course and will be met by attending the PMP® Exam Preparation Certification Course.

  4. The following costs will be borne by the student and are not included in the Doulos PM Training PMP® Certification Course costs. We recommend every student become a member of PMI®. PMI Individual Membership = $119;  Certification Fee (PMI members) = $405; Certification Fee (nonmembers) - $555 Examination Retake Fee (members) $275

    PMI Membership Fee $119
    PMI Member Pricing Certification $405 Examination Retake Fee $275
    PMI NON-Member Pricing Certification $555 Examination Retake Fee $275

The PMP® examination consists of 200 multiple-choice questions administered on-line at a Prometric test center. Four hours are allowed to complete the exam once it is begun. The candidate will know within minutes of completing the exam, whether they passed.

It is, in all likelihood, one of the most difficult exams the candidate will take. A passing score of 106 out of the last 175 questions (excludes 25 review questions) or 61% is required. Most of the questions have multiple correct answers but only one is most correct. Each student must be committed to a rigorous study program between class sessions to maximize the probability of passing the exam. Some items must be committed to memory. The lead instructor will be able to make an informed recommendation to each prospective candidate at the end of training as to what score they should expect to make on the actual exam based on course performance.

You will improve your chances to pass the PMP certification exam on the first try with this proven and successful course.

Using manuals written specifically for the PMP exam preparation you will become familiar with the makeup and format of the exam itself. You will study hundreds of multiple-choice questions and fully referenced answers and the rationale (PMIism’s) behind each answer with your instructor, a certified PMP. You will become PMI knowledgeable over a period of weeks so you don't have to go into the exam guessing answers.

®PMI, PMP, REP is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.